Sunday, March 28, 2010

My Many Colored Days

Product Details
Leave it to Dr. Seuss.  It's no surprise that he would be the writer of one of my personal favorite children's books. What is a surprise, perhaps, is that it is the book "My Many Colored Days," that is a personal fave.  

If you haven't seen it yet, take a look inside at the artwork and descriptions of the days. Then, consider buying a copy for every child you know that doesn't already have one.  (Okay that could get a little expensive...) Instead, consider buying one for yourself, as a reminder that we all have our "many colored days."  

My day today is green.  My Children are happy, the sun is shining, it is Spring, and I am hopeful.   Although lately my colors have been gray and blue, today I have the hope of green.  

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Ink on My Fingers Blog Speaks - Taking Care of Yourself

Today I ran across a blog called "Ink on My Fingers," hosted by Susannah Conway. Her post for today really spoke to me and how I have been feeling lately -- not so hot (blue, in fact).  I wanted to save her words and thoughts for my own future reference and for anyone else who chances to read this blog and is also going through a "not so hot/blue" phase. Here's what Susannah had to say:

"When the blues hit it's even more imperative to be kind to myself, particularly when it's so tempting to kick myself while i'm down. I mean, i'm already down there - why not heap some more doubt and insecurity and crap on my head? Some days i really do have to drag myself ... to just get through the day in one piece....

But wait!  The picture is perhaps not so bleak, Susannah reminds. There are things that she -- and we -- can do to help get through the day  -- little treats, and our "own bag of comforts" perhaps?  I really like this way of thinking --

"Over the years I've watched friends with kids keep treats and games in their bag so when they're away from home there's always something to keep the children occupied and comforted; as adults we need the equivalent of this. Our own bag of comfort. In mine I have: books that lift me up, new songs to be found on iTunes, sofa + blanket + DVD, a hot bath, ... my journal where i can rant or sob or attempt gratitude lists. I also have friends and a sister I can email or call and talk it through with, but when they are not around, i only have me to turn to, and if i'm finding it hard to sit through the fear/discomfort/pain/upset i let myself switch off with a film and a gigantic cup of tea. I let myself be distracted..." 

The ability to self-comfort, is a good skill to have, and I am working on it.  The distraction part is necessary, too. Okay, but truly, my problem is perhaps that I let myself be too distracted by things that should not occupy my time, to hide from the things I need to fix about myself and my life.  Nevertheless, as "Ink on My Fingers" propounds...

"Sometimes being your own best friend... is knowing when it's okay to just let yourself off the hook, being kind and gentle, especially when you feel broken."

And a good night's sleep will offer much, also, in this quest for daily happiness..

"... because nine times out of ten things look a bit better in the morning."

Okay, Susannah, I'm getting there. But Lord please, puh-lease, let me good night's sleep!!! (Off to the sleep-disorders center tomorrow night!)  

Thanks to Susannah Conway for posting these sentiments, which were taken from part three of her series on "How to Fall in Love With You."  The full series and her blog can be found at

Friday, March 26, 2010

A Bit of Color on a Gray Day

It has been a gray, rainy day.  Thought I'd go through some of my photos and share some of my plant shots.  In this case some Western samples, from places where the sun is (or was) quite possibly shining today.

I love all the subtle colorations and textures offered by cacti and succulents.  They are some of my favorite plants to photograph, and I found a lot of them in San Diego!

Oh those purples, blues and greens.  What a palette!  I think I'll make a necklace featuring these gentle colors.  (When I have the time, that is.)

The hard-worn colors of the pots work nicely with these plants.  

A peaceful, if somewhat spiky tableaux.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Today I had a talk...

Today, I spoke with my cousin, who just recently found out that she has breast cancer. I had received an email that suggested that she was ill, but I didn't know what was wrong. So I did something I so rarely do -- I picked up the phone and called her.

She started by telling me "I want you to know, right now, that I'm going to be fine. I know that I AM fine." She then told me what had happened. She found out during a routine exam about three weeks ago. Her doctor felt a small lump that turned out to be cancerous. Luckily they found it early - it is only 1cm, stage one, moderately growing.

My cousin is a distinctly spiritual being. Everything she says and does is from a spiritual perspective. So, naturally, she wants to begin her healing process in this way. She has given herself 2 months to be released from this disease, through prayer, spiritual cleansing from past resentments, healthy eating (avoiding processed foods, juicing, and minimizing meats) vitamins, herbals, essential oils and other alternative treatments. If this doesn't provide a miracle for her, then she will opt for surgical removal of the cancer and 5 weeks of radiation. She said she owes it to herself to try things her way first, so she can at least say that she did try.

Her mother, my dear Aunt, was distraught about hearing that her daughter is dis-eased with cancer; her own beloved sister had died from breast cancer at almost the same age as her daughter has been diagnosed with it, and four of her Aunts had also succumbed to the disease, as did my own mother, her sister-in-law. However, after having a good talk with her family, her mother has accepted her decision to wait a few more weeks for treatment.

In spite of all that she and her family are going through, my cousin's spirits are remarkably high. She is both optimistic and realistic in her approach and amazingly calm in assessing her situation. She says that this "near death" experience has given her a new outlook on her life already, and she is so grateful for it. I hear this gratefulness in her voice, and I am grateful that she feels this way. My heart and prayers are with her - she is a remarkable and gifted woman and though I don't often see her and certainly don't talk with her enough, she is a joy to me in this world.

So, this is my first blog post. For quite a while I have been thinking of what to call my blog and what to write about. Mostly, I have wanted to post pretty pictures, throw down a few random thoughts now and then, and save the images, travels, memories, thoughts and various tidbits of information that mean something to me, personnally, with the hope that perhaps other people might enjoy something of them also.

I have gone back and forth about what to name this blog, since I am such an eclectic person, and a person who is so undecided about who I really am. Similarly, I have gone back and forth about what to write about and post.

 My favorite sites are usually those that deal with the lighter side of life with beautiful photography; colorful crafts; women loving their crazy, wild children or their peaceful country lifestyles; and gorgeously styled food, design, and fashion blogs.

On the other hand, I love peering into the gritty other world of tattoo parlors; trashy reality TV; and the lives of artists, writers, musicians, poets and other creative types whose lives make up the background and off-beat graffiti of our own lives.

For the past several weeks, this has been one of my little "struggles" -- nothing compared to the life-changing struggles my cousin and her family have been experiencing.

When I spoke with my cousin this morning, she told me what she has learned since being diagnosed. It is what so many others before her have already told us -- that it is so important to be present in the moment, to be who you are meant to be, and to live with joy.

When she said those words to me -- live with joy -- I made the decision. My blog would be called JoJo's Joie -- Joy -- and it would celebrate all the aspects of who I am. The good and light, the playful, the naughty and even the dark. My joy.

