While out yesterday, with all good intentions of running some errands with my daughter, I spied a sign along the road that made my heart patter. Some of my favorite words were on that sign ... Herbs ... Festival ... Art ... Crafts. Say no more. My daughter and I made a quick U (really, an L) and headed for the Fred Huette Center in Ghent.
Darned if we weren't getting there just as people were tearing down.
Lucky for us, this is a two-day event, and we were able to return the next day to enjoy the crafters, artists, lovely landscaping, and a messy gyro (Anna had a nicely charred hot dog). While the cooking herbs were apparently in absentia (were they really all sold before we got there??), there were some healthy hosta plants I picked up for a pittance and some fragrant scented geraniums, which I resisted.
Of course, the best part of any event like this is meeting the artists and crafters.
I was impressed with so many stories of the artists and their work, how creatively some of their wares were used, and how, in some cases, recycled artifacts were used to create new interesting and often useful goods.
A New Series Begins...
There were so many gracious and talented individuals, that I decided to write about them over the next few days/weeks and introduce you to some people that you just might want to connect with (not to mention their awfully cute doggies!).
I hope you'll keep checking in to see who you might meet on these pages -- and who knows, you might even see yourself!
Pictured above are necklace charms made by Elizabeth Hutley at www.effervescentdesign.com.
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